1955--Karen at age four, happy little girl

Do these sound like your thoughts?

“I'm tired of people just seeing my disability and leaving me stuck in front of a TV or pigeon-holed into a job for ‘someone like me.’ I want so much more from my life.”
“I am helping someone I love who has a disability, but I am overwhelmed (and I could use a little support too).”

Karen's Mission

In 1998, Karen Lynn-Chlup planted the seed of Whispers of Hope as an act of love and devotion, with the goal of empowering people who have cerebral palsy and learning disabilities, as well as their families and friends. Beyond those limits, it is meant to encourage everyone in this journey that we call life.

Originating from a long-time desire and need to encourage, comfort, cheer, and motivate, Whispers of Hope is the place where Karen shares her inspiring life story with the disabled community and with the entire world.

Karen's Work

When you have a disability support specialist like Karen on your side, frustration and fear dissipate, and you get a strong "I can" attitude. Clients with disabilities thrive on her warmth and humor as they push against limitations to reach their own goals. Families discover new resources and learn to support their loved one in ways that empower and develop self-sufficient strengths.

When Karen keynotes and leads classes at conferences, people come away motivated to become their own heroes and to advocate for a world that is accepting and open to all. Organizations that partner with Karen as a special needs advocate gain clear insight into the needs of people with disabilities and how to make meaningful changes. Let Karen show you just how much is possible. As she says, "If I can do it, you can do it, too!"

Read what organizations, parents, and people with disabilities have said about Karen.


  • Karen Lynn Keynote Speech
  • Karen Lynn Chlup Aerobics Class
  • Karen Lynn Chlup Community Work
  • Interview with Karen Lynn Chlup - Life Highlights
  • Karen Lynn Chlup Teaching at Seniors Center
  • Female Overcomers Part 1 Karen Lynn-Chlup
  • Karen Lynn-Chlup This Able Team Interview
  • Karen Lynn Chlup - Rowe Middle School

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    Bring Karen to Motivate Your Group

    Let Karen bring her can-do encouragement, her first-hand experience, and her dogged determination to create positive change to your organization as a motivational speaker or disability support specialist.

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    Disability Support

    Living with a physical disability and a learning disability brings a variety of challenges along with frustrations, uncertainty, and discouragement. There may be resources in your area, but they can be hard to find and hard to use. Family disability support and individual disability support are critical to creating an environment for individuals with disabilities to thrive and lead fulfilling lives. The right disability support shifts belief from impossible, to possible.

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    Here is a photo from 1979 in which Karen leads an adaptive physical education class.

    Special Needs Resources

    Overwhelmed or not sure what resources are available for special needs support? Start here. Find out where you can go for support, what you need to know about special needs assistants, and even what all the medical and industry terms mean. We have a wealth of resources.

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    Here is a photo of Karen at her first dance recital, age three-and-one-half, with the famous Al Gilbert who used dance as therapy.
